What the HELL is this? (BE CREATIVE)

Last Update: August 08, 2012
This is an exercise of creativity...

People say that creativity cannot be learned and cannot be harnessed, but I tend to disagree with this logic. The same people that say this is the same people that tend to think they have an “innate” creative ability. This is pure ego, nothing else.

Everyone has A LOT of creativity, including you. Today I wanted to prove this to you by showing you a simple picture.

It may seem obscure, you may know what it is. However, I want you to list 5 ways in which the following object could be used for.

Be creative and there is NO wrong answer. Post your answers within the comments below, but please don’t look at the other comments first as this will influence your own ideas.

We are all creative.

Our creativity can be translated online. It is my challenge to you to take a few minutes each and every day to do something creative, whether it is performing an exercise like this or coming up with some crazy ideas for your website. This creativity will translate into new, fresh, and powerful ideas for your business.

I look forward to seeing all your responses to this!
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andre.ramos Premium
1 - door handle
2 - water faucet
3 - bottle openner
4 - massage toy
5 - makeup object
anindochk Premium
Can be used as -
1. A door knob
2. A Knife
3. A designer torch
4. A shower knob
5. A stapler
kyle Premium
Torch, nice!
1) What the government plans to use on us once we bend over.
2) The latest in claw replacement therapy for cats that have lost their groove.
3) What millions of affiliate marketers would love to use on Google
4) What Google has used on millions of affiliate marketers
5) A Top-Shelf Navel Lint Extractor (Can also be used for ear-wax and if you order today, we'll send you 2 for the low low price of $47) P.S. It also works just as well for increasing affiliate sales as 90% of the stuff being sold today!
kyle Premium
LOL @ #1, #3 & #4. Awesome stuff Christian!
veronica.l Premium
Fun :)

1. Fancy bottle cap for wine bottles when you want to save some of your open bottle.
2. French cuff
3. Microphone
4. Earrings
5. Shower head (top part at least lol)

Fun creative blog post Kyle,
kyle Premium
Awesome Veronica...wine stopper was on my list as well :)
garethb Premium
1) A mortar
2) Door knob for a cabinet
3) Used to make seed holes in the garden
4) A Tape dispenser
5) A Pot Scrapper
kyle Premium
Freakin' awesome man! That is some creativity right there!
garethb Premium
I tried to be first but rocktivity beat me. Granted only 1 guess. This is going to be a huge post!!