Whew, what a trip...

Last Update: October 10, 2011

Ciao...as they say in Italy.

Just returned from a vacation there...what a beautiful country!  It was nice to take a break after a very busy summer !   I just wanted to let everyone know that I am back, I am fresh, and I am ready to go.

Sometimes a break can act as an inspiration.  More often than not it will allow time to rejuvenate the brain and allow for a completely different perspective on business.   It definitely did this for me and if anyone out there is struggling or having issues getting the creative engine going, I do suggest you step aside and take a break, even if it is taking a couple days away from the computer completely.

Trust me, it helps!

Here is a shot from outside the collesseum.  That was an awesome moment for me as I have always wanted to see this piece of history.

Look forward to being back and you will be hearing a lot more from me this month (whether you like it or not!) :)



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Robg1 Premium
I was there nearly twenty years ago. It was expensive back then. I bet it's even more so now ;-)
kyle Premium
Yeah, there definitely isn't anything cheap about traveling to Italy, or Europe for that matter. Food and wine is a little cheaper than here, but accomodations are far more expensive.
Jamie Smith Premium
Congrats brother Kyle, I am so glad you enjoyed safe travels and a much deserved vacation! awesome
kyle Premium
Thanks Jamie!
WorkFromHomeEZ Premium
So awesome. Good for you. I lived in Florence for a while. I think I gained 15 lbs that summer with all the wine and pasta! But what an awesome country....savor the post-vacay glow!
kyle Premium
The post vacation glow...or bloat. LOL. We went to Florence, awesome place there as well! :)
jatdebeaune Premium
Welcome back Kyle! Rome is magnificent and Venezia is one one of my favorite places in the world. Bet you ate well.
kyle Premium
Yeah, we did the full circuit...Venice, Lake Garda, Cinque Terre, Milan, Florence, Sorrento, Rome...can't really say I have a favorite as they were all different, but Venice was a pretty amazing place. It is a "one of a kind" city!