Why Google Hates You...Yes YOU!

Last Update: March 04, 2011

OK folks, I just made a post on the WA blog that you should probably read.  I am going to show you some things that you may or may not want to hear about article marketing...

Is article marketing dead?  If so...WHY?  My thoughts and analysis of "writing" in general going forward.

Does Google Hate Article Marketing?




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jatdebeaune Premium
It works now!
kyle Premium
Do you still get a blank page. I just tested and it works fine on my end? Let meknow.
NEA03 Premium
I get a blank page too. What the? I really wanted to read this. Guess I'll try again later :(
jatdebeaune Premium
I read your post Kyle. Tried to get back onto the page to make a comment and page wouldn't open. What you wrote was a big relief to me. I'm happier just writing good articles and not worrying about out-foxing Google. How does Google now get hold of all this good content now that faces are slapped? How do you see it playing out? I'm happy to write for Street Articles, and will definitely get that going.
edrika1 Premium
Hi Kyle, I have tried several times to open the link and it isn't working. I've tried in both firefox and explorer. I also went to the main webpage in hopes of getting to the blog that was and also just received a blank page when I clicked the blog tab.