You're a SUCKER.

Last Update: August 03, 2011

Says MR. GURU as they are running away from your house with a bag full of YOUR cash.

"Good luck recouping that, MR. GURU yells. 

I know you are all tired of the same old guru messages.  Believe it or not, so am I.   I started a blog post back and March and I just finished it off today.

Read what I truly think about Guru's!

Would love your feedback (please leave on the WA blog) and feel free to share this with anyone that has ever been taken by a scam...which is most of us.



PS.  If I offended you, chances are you are one of the people that are implementing these tactics.

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Pobman Premium
There was a time when to be a Guru you grew a beard and lived in India or at the top of a mountain... come to think of it the top of a mountain would be a good place for most of Internet Gurus!

These days I only read the Guru post to have a bit of a laugh :)

You are right about them not knowing what they are promoting, earlier this year I got to see just how a launch was done (by accident, I was not supposed to see it)... the Gurus were given all the scripts etc, they really had to do nothing but load the script in to Aweber and click send. They truly had NO idea what they were selling... and I bet most of them did not even read what they sent out, as it was from a trusted source... would have been nice to change that source and have the Gurus send out something they were not expecting :D
kyle Premium
It happens. This Internet stuff can be a roller coaster especially when you are feeling stuck or the process is seeming to slow. Trust me though, one day the pieces will just fit and you willl be able to scale your own formula. ;)
taku123 Premium
It is sad to know that many people including me have spent money on the latest make money now scheme. It has been over a year since I bought anything but still it happened. Thanks for taking a shot at them!
kyle Premium
Thanks for the laugh Cian! :)
leomessi Premium

That was one hell of a Mike Tyson thumping post Kyle....

Kyle beats The Gurus By KO!