Your Road Ahead is Bright!

Last Update: June 07, 2019

“To know the road ahead, ask those coming back.”

That is a Chinese Proverb that I live by and one that I have always instituted when learning how to master something. To master something, ask those that have already done it. Get their story. Find out what they did and what they failed at so you don’t have to go through the same obstacles.

Well, here I am.

I am here to tell you my story of online success and it might help you understand what yours will look like, and hopefully help you create a vision today as to what your future could potentially look like.

Back in 2002, I started out online. I knew first hand that other people were succeeding online. Why? Because it is a different than the offline world. To question whether or not people make money online is the same as questioning whether or not businesses make money.

They do. People are making billions online and it is only growing...I knew this and I wanted my piece of the pie. I was a hard worker and I knew that with some effort I could create some success.

2 months later, a little sweat, a little blood, and a few tears (ok, maybe no tears), I was able to squeeze out my first sale.

I wasn’t profitable, but while I was working to generate this sale, something really awesome happened.

Something special.

I built a website. I built content. I created traffic. I built a foundation for a long term business. Although it probably worked out to $0.10 per hour in wages, the work I did in the first two months was about to do something I was unaware of at the time. It would pay me for YEARS!

Pages that I created in my first few months ended up paying me out $1,000s’ through rankings and through campaigns that I built around them.

But you want to know something…

If I had given up on day 59 (before I made my first sale), I would have not been doing this online thing 11 years later, doing something that I love and that I wake up excited about every day. If I didn’t give my business adequate time, I would likely be bouncing around from opportunity to opportunity like many people do.

So many people are fed false hope of “instant” success, and I don’t want you to fall into this instant success “trap”.

Remember, I walked the road and I am coming back to report to you what it looked like. The road I walked looked almost exactly the same as Carson’s and very, very similar to all of the successful, full time business owners here within Wealthy Affiliate.

You give it time, it will pay you dividends.

It is my belief that absolutely ANYONE (including you) can be working from home, doing this Internet stuff full time. We wouldn’t have built WA if we didn’t believe this and we wouldn’t have spent close to $8 MILLION developing this community if we didn’t believe that.

Yes, that is how this business works like any other business. The work you invest now, pays off later. It holds true to this day. The work Carson and I invest into a new project here at WA will not pay off right way, it will typically take months sometimes years to truly pay off.

So prepare yourself, the Internet is the greatest opportunity ever created for “regular” people like you and I, but it is one that you need to treat like a business. If you do, you are going to be waking up in the morning smiling in just 6 months from now...when your website is established and earning you consistent income online.

Get ready to open your doors to billions of people…

Imagine owning a business in New York City. Now imagine having the same business with 100 times the people that all have credit cards and that you can interact with 24 hours per day...and connect with while you are away from you business or even when you are sleeping.

That is the Internet. There are over 2 billion people in the world with high speed internet and many more with access to the internet. That is a lot of people. That is a lot of potential and in the coming days, weeks, and months ahead, you are going to be tapping into this potential. Carson and I will be showing you EXACTLY how to do this.

You have everything you need. In fact, you have 100x more than I had when I started out. I could have only wished for something like Wealthy Affiliate to help me out when I was trying to get up and running with my online business.

  • You have the expert help.
  • You have the expert training.
  • You have the awesome websites.
  • You have the tools.
  • You have the network.
  • You have the community.
  • You have the foundation.

You have 100x more than your competitionand you are going to get education from those that have real, “hands on” expertise and success within the industry.

The only missing thing now is, YOU. :)

Are you committed to your personal success (whatever success means to you personally)?

If you answered yes, then you are in the right place.

If success doesn’t happen in the first 30 or even 60 days, don’t worry, it WILL happen. I am not saying you won’t achieve financial success in this period but what I am saying that from the road that I have taken, the success I achieved later was the result of the hard work and effort I put in initially.

And remember one thing...

I know most people are solely focused on earning more money. I get that.

BUT, Success is not just money. Money will chase all of your other success and your passion for doing something awesome online. There are many “intangible” successes that are not related to money at all (like websites, like content, like relationships, like education) that will lead to the success that you can really get excited about, the $$$ part.

And lastly, remember one thing…

You are freaking awesome! Don’t get down on yourself, ever. If you do, stop by WA and ask for help and just hang out.

We are all here to help one another and we share the same vision. Don’t ever let yourself get stuck because there will always be someone that has walked that road before you and can show you how they got through it.

To your success and the exciting days, weeks, months and years that lie ahead for you in the Internet business world.

Kyle (& Carson)

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