Complainers Will Never Be Successful

Last Update: August 05, 2010

Hey Super WA'ers,

Have you ever had someone in the workplace that always seemed to carry a negative attitude towards everything?

Back when I had a J-O-B, (I used to teach gymnastics) there was a person who always 'found the glass empty'. He always found something to complain about. But did it bother me?

Nope - as I am the guy who tries to 'find the glass half full'.

And you know what? That guy is still teaching gymnastics today...

I have since moved to a much better J-O-B and my office is the Wealthy Affiliate University!

That being said, I have noticed there are some Debbie Downers in my office recently and although it doesn't bother me as I have more awesome things to think about - I am aware that negative energy can dramatically effect people.

Sure there are some fundamental flaws with WA in some places, but take notice and move on - because we are all here to succeed with internet marketing.



Now let's leave on a positive note...

Nothing else makes people happy than babies!

Thanks for go and learn some internet marketing and take action.

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GorillaScrilla Premium
Well said! and to paraphrase Mark Twain... Negativity can travel halfway around the world while positivity is putting on its shoes... Unfortunately, miserly loves company and misery is always recruiting. So few understand the importance of mindset. Thanks again for the positive post.
Jamie Smith Premium
Good vibes and hard work are the keys to my success worldwide.
Fallulah Premium
HA Absolutely right [lol]. I think oftentimes it's just ignorance and not understanding quite how much a mindset manifests life. Great when you get it though!
jatdebeaune Premium
It's always a choice. You can focus on what's good, or focus on what you don't like. Like you, I prefer to see the good.
Louise M. Premium
Haha love it! You're so right! Just like positive energy, negative one can definitely affect others and we don't need that! French people complain a lot... so many people don't see the luck they have, the opportunities they have and the potential they have! Thanks for the babies! ;)