Ferris Bueller House for Sale?

Last Update: January 06, 2011

Hey Friends.. :)

This is one of those post to give you a break and a chuckle..

The home that was used in the movie Ferris Bueller's Day Off is up for sale for a cool $1,650,000


Here is the listing link: click here

How the heck did I find this?

Well.. I guess this shows the power of viral marketing because my wife found it on facebook.
Umm.. yes, my wife found it and not me because I don't have a FB account and refuse to get one..  :)


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muskyblood Premium
Anyone, anyone, anyone?
mikehuff Premium
Thank you for hating facebook!!!! My girlfriend keeps threatening to start me a page. I'd be BUMMED. BTW, gotta work today, but looking forward to the new webinar once it gets posted. Good luck
jatdebeaune Premium
What an odd house! My favorite house belongs to Kermit the frog. It's one room on a lily pad. Looks very Zen.
Jamie Smith Premium
I LOVE that film! Ferris Bueller using his sampler to bring up cough samples to play hookie for the day. I went wild for that back in the 1980's as a kid.
Labman_1 Premium
Is that thing STILL for sale. I think it made the list on Yahoo's daily thing about a year ago. Doesn't look like it's coming down in price yet. Must not be marketed very well.