Fun WA ChatRoom Available

Last Update: May 22, 2011

Hey Everyone,

Hope all is well and you're working hard on your IM campaigns.

I wanted to let you know about a cool new chat room that a fellow WA member has created.

They've created a small little place with a meembo chat room so that we can go somewhere and have some real time interaction.

I was chatting on there today and revealed all my Ninja Secrets!

Hope to see you there!

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We need more people on this thing! Pronto!
Wayne Hudler Premium
Thanks for the heads up. Bet your fingers are sore now from all that "secrets" typing.
Behealthy Premium
WHAT! ALL OF THEM! Noooooo. Not without MEEEEE!!! :)
Labman_1 Premium
You revealed all of them? Darn, and here I was wondering what Jay would do.
Jamie Smith Premium
Nice 1 Master Jedi Jay, your Karma pool is deep.