Google Analytics Interface Tutorial for Beginners

Last Update: October 01, 2009

Hey Everyone,

Today I want to let you all know about Google Analytics and how important it is to implement on your website.

For those who don't know what Google Analytics is. It an online service provided by Google for free where you can track how many people come to your website, which keywords are used and how long they are on your website. One of the cool things about Google Analytics is that you can cross reference each of these details.

So an example would be:

I know that in the month of Sept; 350 people from Vancouver Canada came to my website using the term 'seo marketing' and landed on my services page for approx. 2 minutes and 36 seconds using the browser firefox and ended up going to my contact page.

Pretty powerful stuff eh? [enter Canadian accent]

Keep in mind this is just scratching the surface and Google Analytics has so many more powerful features to it.

Check out the video I just made, showing you an overview.

So make sure you have Google Analytics set-up in all of your website as you then learn who is landing of your webpages.

P.S. Did you know you can actually add Google Analyticsto your Squidoo Lenses?? Little trade secret I know - but we'll that for another blog post.

P.P.S. If you like the YouTube video below, please give it a rating - much appreciated. :)

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