How I Dominate My Affiliate Niche Campaigns

Last Update: April 22, 2010

Hi Team,

I've been reading about many you who are feeling overwhelmed with this internet marketing stuff, so I feel compelled to help out.

I understand how WA's training can be overwhelming as it is extremely detailed and thorough. But as with any new career or business - it's required.

That being said, you can be successful at internet marketing by following some simple steps:

  1. Find a niche that is popular. Use this to search a niche trend:
    It'll even give you a 12 month future prediction!
  2. If you can't find one, then use one that is given to you here at WA:
    Don't underestimate the value of these...
  3. Find a product related to this niche:
    You can use NicheQ or use the CB research tool here:
  4. Find a 'high search', 'low competition' keyword related to your niche.
    You can use NicheQ or use the keyword research tool:
    High Search = 3,000 searches a month
    *Low Competition = 5,000 quoted keyword search results
    *(Google your keyword with quotes and see the results)
  5. Create a Wordpress blog site and use your keyword as title etc.
    Nothing fancy - even the default template is good enough.
  6. Drive traffic to the website
    Articles, Social Bookmarks etc. 

And that it... There are some finer details within those steps, but follow those steps and you have a pretty good chance of making money.

"Yeah, But How Do You Drive Traffic To the website!?"

You are all asking right?


Thought I'd share my little mind map of how I use social media site and free blog sites to drive traffic to my main website.

It's a lengthy process to accomplish all of this, but it works every single time.

Just click on the image below to see the mindmap in full.

I sincerely hope that this helps you out in your internet marketing business and if you have any comment or suggestions, please leave them below.


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Louise M. Premium
Hey you summed it up pretty nicely! :) Great for all the newbies! I'll redirect them to your post when they ask me to clear things up because they're overwhelmed! Thank You Jay! :)
magistudio Premium
@Jamie Smith, Thanks Mate! Positive Feedback is always appreciated. It's what drives me to keep posting.
magistudio Premium
@kadcpp, You're welcome Keith. The evolution of a newbie is pretty much the same - just thought I'd make the ride a little easier.
Jamie Smith Premium
Cheers for the mindmap and this great blog!
kadcpp Premium
Jay, thank you for posting! I have read many of your post here and in the forums and find value in all of them. This is one reason I chose to go ahead and sign up for a year (see blog of the day). I have not contacted you before however I have learned from you and wanted you to know how much a "A Newbie" appreciates these posts even though they may not have anything to add.

Thanks again,