How to Make Money By Flipping Out..

Last Update: January 17, 2011

"What to do with those old domains or websites
you never took action with.."

I have a happy trigger when it comes to buying domains..

I'd have good intentions with building an awesome site for those domains, but sometimes it doesn't pan out.

So what happens to these old domains?

Well, they used to just sit in my godaddy account and collect virtual dust with an annual fee.. lol

But I got smart and learned about site & domain flipping..

And that is what this week's WAbinar is all about!!

Buying, building and selling your online properties. 

People LOVE to buy websites and having your web properties in front of these hungry buyers, can prove to be a very lucrative opportunity.

I hope to see YOU there!


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Jamie Smith Premium
I RSVP'd and also dropped your info on my blog. Can't wait for your WAbinar class Jay!