Jaaxy Keyword Search of the Week

Last Update: June 04, 2012

Hey Folks,

I am starting a new series of infographs that are called 'Jaaxy Keyword Search of the Week' and here is the first one!

Let me know what you think!

And if you're a Jaaxy affiliate, feel free to use this image with your affiliate link.
Here is the Pinterest link: http://pinterest.com/pin/102245854010538256/

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kyle Premium
Nice one Jay, looks great. I would suggest that you show "Domains Available" (.com, .org, .net) within the domain bubble. Cool idea though!
BIS Premium
Hi Jay - Great idea. I think they will be very popular.

I agree that Easlly is fairly limited if you want to use the themes almost as is without changing them. I would have reduced the size of the circles and then used an arrow between the circles to show the process of keyword seaarching. (I have made quite a lot using Easelly since Kyle introduced me to it)

Also you've assumed that people know what KQI is but if you're new to it - they won''t. I make it a rule of thumb always to explain an acronym - but that's me.

If at anytime in the future you want a different tool - I am also using Piktochart.. There free themes are better and the whole system is much more flexible. They put in a watermark with the free themes - which I removed the first time before I realised - but I decided to pay because of the amount of themes they have.

Best wishes

magistudio Premium
Thank you Beverley for those thoughts.. I will have a look at Piktochart.
I left the KQI like that on purpose to strike a subtle interest in what it is.
Sielke Premium
Awesome idea. I agree with Mark maybe not the best theme but it still works. I think that "554" searches is the only part I'd definitely say change, i understand where you were going but its the only part that is a little "unclear"
mhamilt Premium
Awesome! Although perhaps using the Venn diagram isn't the clearest for this kind of data?
magistudio Premium
Thanks, I will keep that in mind for the next one. The negative side to using easel.ly is the lack of theme choices, thus why I ended up using this one.
CSmith1 Premium
That's a great idea and should defiantly create some curiosity plus drive some traffic to Jaaxy
magistudio Premium
Thanks Craig - I ended up using http://www.easel.ly as it is a really easy application to use.