Jay's Top 10 Recommended WA Training Lessons

Last Update: October 12, 2010

Hey Team,

One of the great things here at WA is that there are a plethora of training lessons.. In fact, there are so many tutorials, that it's easy to feel overwhelmed without direction.

So here's your direction..Below is my top 10 WA training lesson recommendations that WILL guide you to do this IM thing full time.

1. Wealthy Affiliate Action Plan (Step-by-Step)

2. Make Money With WordPress - Traffic Getting/Revenue Driving Forces

3. Article Marketing - Getting Started Guide

4. Research Getting Started

5. WA Blog System - Customizing your Blog

6. PPC Getting Started

7. Website Development - Getting Started Guide

8. Search Engine Optimization - Getting Started Guide

9. Introduction to Internet Marketing - Getting Started Video

10. WA Super Affiliate Article Marketing Course

Now having this list is all fine and dandy, but to REALLY make it work - you need to TAKE ACTION by actually performing the steps. You will make mistakes down the road, but that's OK because it's the best way to learn.

What are your favorite WA training lessons?

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taku123 Premium
Thanks again Jay. It is always great to hear from you. I know I kinda dropped off the earth since we last spoke in Victoria but I have been busy, busy, plugging away. I took you advice to heart and all is working for me . Thanks again.
Pradeeo Premium
Hi Jay Thank you very much for showing the right direction on giving top 10 recommended lesson. I was overwhelmed where to start because there is lot of information over and more over Iam a newbie to WA
jatdebeaune Premium
Hi Jay, I don't know how to answer that question because there is so much that is useful and helpful at WA. I go into the site map and take one lesson at a time. I'm now reading Kyle and Carson's "Finding Hot Markets and Keywords". The interesting thing is that even if you've read the material here, you should re-read it and review in order to make the information part of you. I haven't read a fraction of all the great stuff yet, but intend to make a respectable dent. Thank you for the list.