Local Marketing WAbinar

Last Update: December 08, 2010

Hey Members,

I am giddy with excitement about this WAbinar as I have been involved with Local Marketing for several years now and love to talk about Local Marketing.

Would you like to learn more about the profitable local marketing industry?
There is a myth that Local SEO is difficult and not profitable..

Join mem this Friday @ 4PM (-8 GMT) where I will discuss:

  • How to get started in the Local Marketing business
  • Tips on obtaining your first client
  • How much to charge?
  • Do I really know enough about SEO to do this?
  • Why WA & Local Marketing go well together
  •  Using Affiliate Marketing with Local Marketing

For those who attend live,
there will be an awesome bonus JUST FOR YOU!


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Recent messages
Fallulah Premium
Sadly won't make this one - will be at work :( ... still will tune in later :)
WRI Premium
HEY !!! I thought what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas .. 8)

lol you know I jest .. See ya there !
jatdebeaune Premium
I'll be there. Orchestra seat will be fine.
Louise M. Premium
Cool! I want a front row seat. ;)
Jamie Smith Premium
Cheers Jay, I will hit my blog