Louise M. Campaign for A Real Photo a SUCCESS!

Last Update: August 16, 2010

Hey Members!

My last blog post, I started a campaign to have my friend Louise M. add a real photo of herself.

Well, guess what?

It worked!

Click Here to See the Real Louise M.

Now, Why did I spend all this energy creating this campaign?

I wanted to show everyone how easy it is to create hype and curiosity and that YOU can apply the same with your own marketing.

It doesn't matter if it's article, CPA email or PPC marketing, creating mystery, hype & curiosity is a VERY effective marketing tool.

How do I know this?

Look at some of the comments via the last post, there have been many people wondering and almost needed the image to cure their curiosity.

How Can you Apply this to YOUR campaigns?

One really easy example is a series blog, Kyle recently did this with his oyster marketing campaign whereas he separated the posts in weekly chunks.

Simply create a few blog posts and post them every couple of days and at the end of each post, state what you will reveal to them within the next post. 

Thanks Louise M. for helping me show the WA community that it's possible to create a great campaign with something
so simple as an image.

Click Here to See the Real Louise M. 

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Jamie Smith Premium
great marketing
NEA03 Premium
I agree with Jat, very pretty
jatdebeaune Premium
This is sooooo cool! I think we should all be in show business now. Louise, you are far prettier than any of your avatars and that includes Faye Dunaway. Now, aren't I a good sleuth? I knew you were brunette. Hah! Jay, you rascal.
Louise M. Premium
You're a great marketer and a great friend! It was indeed really interesting and funny to read reactions. We can really start campaigns based on really simple feelings such as curiosity. It works with blog posts, with email marketing as well. And I'm definitely gonna start "marketing myself" in my business now. Thank you! ;)