Make Lots of Sales and Get A WA Pen

Last Update: December 09, 2009

Hey WA'ers...

As a form of inspiration, I wanted to show you what you can get when you make a bunch of sales for WA. 

Pretty fancy pants huh?

The point to this short little post is to tell you that I am no different than any of you and that you can achieve your dreams of being a full-time internet marketer like I did.

Oh yeah.. and get a cool pen!

Thanks Kyle and Carson for the swag!!


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PotPieGirl Premium
You got a PEN?!?!?! That is so cool! I want one (said in my best whiney voice)!!!

Wait... Define "bunch" - as in "bunch of sales". I need a new!
PotPieGirl Premium
You got a PEN?!?!?! That is so cool! I want one (said in my best whiney voice)!!!