Next Live WA Affiliate Broadcast: June 24th, 2010 (Cancelled)

Last Update: June 24, 2010

Hey members,

Thanks to everyone who has come by and hang out with me via live video broadcast.

My next Broadcast will be on

In this episode of Internet Marketing Coffee Talk, I will talk about the power of Wordpress and how I set it up properly for internet marketing.

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andys43us Premium
Thanks for doing this Jay. I will try to come even though the timing here in India are rather odd. Cheers!
magistudio Premium
@mywa32 - Yes, that is Pacific time.
mywa32 Premium
@3 PM PDT? is that pacific standard time? thank you, looking forward to it....choo
Louise M. Premium
It's a bit early for me (crazy schedule) but I'll do my best to be there, I don't want to miss it! ;) Thank you.
Jamie Smith Premium
Cheers brother Jay, I will get this posted on my blog and hit the social media for you as promised.