Niche & Keyword Hunting WAbinar

Last Update: November 08, 2010

Date: Saturday November 13th, 2010
Time: 12:00PM (noon) Pacific
RSVP: click here

Do you have trouble finding niches and keywords for your promotions?
Do you want to know more about finding a niche and related keyword?

Join Jay (magistudios) on Saturday November 13th @ 12PM Pacific where he will show:

  • Niche research basics - what to do and what to avoid
  • How to find a niche while away from the computer
  • Keyword research rules, the competition numbers I personally use
  • Let's Find A Niche Together!  A live walkthrough

Don't miss this one as I will be giving away a GREAT door prize!!

Saturday November 13th @ 12PM Pacific

You Must RSVP to attend.

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magistudio Premium
@Labman Thanks for letting me know about the thank you page date, I will have that adjusted today.
Labman_1 Premium
Thanks for this Jay, I get warm fuzzies just thinking about it. I checked carefully this time, got out my PST vs. EST calculator and think I have the time right this time. The registration page indicated I was signed up for the webinar on the 4th however.
muskyblood Premium
I'm there. Again. You are the man Jay!
Jamie Smith Premium
Hitting my blog as we speak
jatdebeaune Premium
Oh another one. Great! I enjoyed the SEO WAbinar.