Reminder About Tonight's Hot Seat Webinar

Last Update: September 14, 2010

Just a quick reminder about the HotSeat Webinar at 7PM Pacific tonight.

In this webinar I am going to take a look at 4 WA member websites and offer some advice on what to change or at least what I would do to make it profitable.

I suggest you take the time to attend this webinar as it could really benefit your own website even if I am not placing your site in the hotseat as you may learn from other members hotseat sessions.

And Big News Coming for WA Members

And for those who attend the webinar, I will be revealing a major announcement on behalf of WA that will directly benefit every WA member but you will get to hear it first!

I will see you all tonight!

<< You Can RSVP for the webinar here >>

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Labman_1 Premium
Thanks Jay, enjoyed it. I'm new here so I will work through the hundreds of questions.
Old Mizer Premium
I can't wait. I am going to get some dinner so I can be here in time. Did I hear rumors that EOS might be in the hot seat?
Jamie Smith Premium
I am back in the US, I have a marketing meeting in Miami tonight and I will be tuned in right after I finish that meeting.
Frets Premium
Last minute item will cause me to miss this ... major bummer! Is there anyway this event can be viewed later? I do have a UStream account ... do they provide saved programming?
jatdebeaune Premium
I'll be there Jay.