Usability Hot Seat! Is Your Site People Friendly?

Last Update: February 21, 2012

Get Your Site Reviewed By Your Peers!

Sometimes when we build web projects, we focus so much energy on the SEO aspect of it.. that site usability is forgotten.

What is the point of having a high ranked site if nobody enjoys visiting it?

So, in this edition of our Hot Seat WAbinar (Saturday Feb 25 @ 1pm PST).. we are going to focus on website Usability and making sure it your customer enjoys the experience.

Another exciting element of this WAbinar is that YOU will be able to add your input in real time as there will be a simple questionnaire for each website on the hotseat.

The results of this questionnaire will be delivered to the website owner.

Want your site reviewed? 

Simply send me a PM with the following:

  • Your website URL
  • Your Targeted Keyword
  • Why you should be considered for the hot seat.
Reminder: The WAbinar is on SATURDAY FEB. 25th at 1PM Pacific

If you're in the UK: 9PM
If you're in Finland: 11PM
If you're in New York: 4PM

Now off you go and sign up for the WAbinar and get working on those websites!

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Jamie Smith Premium
I hit my blog for you brother Jay. I will see you in class on Saturday if we don't chat before then.
Louise M. Premium
pretty cool! :) the participative questionnaire is a great idea! if you need a tester, you know where to find me ;)