WA Vegas - Day 1

Last Update: March 02, 2010

Hey Folks,

Day one at the WA Vegas conference has come and gone and it has been an amazing experience. Meeting other WA members who are only known by avatar is pretty cool...

We spent the evening hanging out and networking - breaking the ice kinda thing. So pretty low key as tomorrow is the big conference day where we talk about affiliate marketing strategies etc.

I made a quick little video tour of the room that I was given - it's pretty awesome!

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magistudio Premium
[Andrew_Moss] - Vegas is really happening buddy! It is so far been an awesome experience and I have walked away with so much information and many many new friends from all over the world. I will post more videos and pictures very very soon!
Mariachi Premium
Man that's something else,wish I was there does not even get close to it..
"Take action",those two words have been in my hear since joining WA,and even before that on the follow up emails,I will.
Have a great time.
Best regards!