[WAbinar] The Business of Online Marketing

Last Update: April 23, 2012

The moment you became a WA member, you also became an online business owner.

As a 'Netpreneur', you need to run the the business effectively just as any other business. This includes knowing how much money you need to make to be profitable.

In theory, this sounds simple...
But without knowing all your costs and time involved, profits may seems impossible to achieve.

Do You Need An Online Marketing Business Kit?

Watch the WAbinar on Running an Efficient Online Business and download the sample documents and spreadsheets below.

Here are some of the business elements we discussed:

  • Knowing your Costs & Having a Budget
  • What's Your Break even point? Having a Break Even Analysis
  • Keeping Organized with Files, Tasks & Actions
  • How's Your Business Plan? Why it's important to have a business plan
  • Expanding Your Business - When, Why & How

These business techniques can be applied for affiliate, online or local marketing - so be sure to take the time to attend regardless of what type of Netpreneur you are!

Here is the download the for the spreadsheets that are used with online business.

Click Here for the zip.

If you have any questions about these docs or the WAbinar, please leave them below.

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muskyblood Premium
See you there!
mmorales Premium
This is so cool! Falls right into place with what I'm doing at the moment. It seems like every time I do something new, there is a WAbinar right around the corner that covers every aspect.
Jamie Smith Premium
Great to chat with you today as always brother Jay! I am looking forward to your WAbinar class on Friday. I already have a business map and I model after your moves. I am always open to fresh ideas and proven ideas. This is going to be yet another classic from you for sure.
kyle Premium
Awesome stuff...this is one that everyone that wants a "business" online should take part in. There is a big difference between wanted to create something that is longer term utilizing proven business models, or creating short term success. Having a business plan to focus on can make all the difference.
morlandroger Premium
2am zzzzzz. Will catch up with the recording. Been self employed for all my working life but the online part I need to see.