What Do You Want From Me? I Take Requests...

Last Update: April 23, 2010

Thank you.. Thank you very much.. 

Hey Team,

I am happy that my last post (How I Dominate My Affiliate Niche Campaigns) was found useful for everyone. 

That said, I am sure you have burning questions about my mind map.

So, I am taking questions and requests for new posts.

All you have to do is leave your questions, comments or requests below.

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magistudio Premium
[April 24, 2010] Thanks everyone for your questions so far... I will let this post linger for another day (or two) and will then answer all your questions.
MikeBz Premium
Nice job Jay! I especially love the image....very visual! Question: You say create a wordpress blog and drive traffic to it. However, in the image, you are driving even more avenues of traffic to the Affiliate Sales Page? Can you explain the theory of driving traffic from so many different sources to TWO websites (blog & affiliate site). Thanks!
Jamie Smith Premium
Thanks for all the love and hard work Jay! Your blogs are always helpful and welcome.
Marcus Premium
In answer to your question, and seeing as you are the best at it around these parts, would a hug be out of the question? :)

Excellent stuff Jay...keep up the great work!
jatdebeaune Premium
Jay, I have many questions, but will ask only a couple at a time.
1. If a person has a physical product site, and wants to incorporate social bookmarking into their advertising, what is the best way to do that?
2.If using using blogger.com as an adjunct to a website. (It's on my Home Page). Does Google automatically ping its own blogger? Or do I have to ping?
Thanks. Joan