What's Happening in Vegas? Watch Jay's Video

Last Update: February 09, 2011

Hello from Vegas!

I made you a quick video about what's been happening in Vegas.. :)

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Incognito Premium
Thanks for keeping us in the loop Jay. Anxiously waiting to find out more about those features you mentioned. We all know how much you like beer...how about I buy you one from Oz for a little more info? ( bribe much? :P )
Jamie Smith Premium
Awesome magistudios blog once again Jay! So glad to hear the WA family is having a blast in Vegas. I will see you in Vegas for 2012.
Labman_1 Premium
Every time I get used to something here comes another enhancement. That may sound like complaining but it's not. It's excitement. Hard to keep up with all the great stuff you guys have going on. Well worth the price of admission.
NEA03 Premium
Thanks for keeping us updated, can't wait to see what new things are coming for WA, thanks Jay!
jatdebeaune Premium
Thanks Jay. Look forward to hearing about all the new ideas. I remember that ventriloquest. He's was very good.