What’s the #1 thing people are doing online?

Last Update: November 20, 2011

Happy Sunday WA! 

Have you ever wondered what people are REALLY doing online? 

  • Perhaps they are Shopping? 
  • Tweeting? 
  • Checking Facebook? 

Did you know 71% of people are watching videos on Vimeo or YouTube.

The infographic covers a PEW survey for the past three years on what adults are doing on the Internet. I love that 81% of us are using the Internet to check the weather.

So what’s the #1 thing people are doing online?

Check it out here:

What are YOU doing online
Image Source: column five media

What do you think? Are we as marketers missing the boat on anything? 

Please leave your comments below. 

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Louise M. Premium
I really thought adults were watching porn online.. lol
That's really interesting! I was surprised at how many people look for medical info. Thx for sharing!
jatdebeaune Premium
Ha! Judging by the top five, looks like I'm average. And I'm hooked on YouTube and Ted. More and more people are looking for health information online, because they can't get as much help from their doctors as they would like. I've been able to successfully diagnose minor skin maladies and other things, by just putting symptoms into WebMD. Internet is great for learning about health matters, and I think it's going to get better, especially things having to do with good nutrition and the supplements people need to take to avoid certain diseases and to stay well. Also news events and political points of view, very interesting online. Much better than TV or radio. Glad 71% is buying products.
This is useful information. Thanks Jay.
Labman_1 Premium
Hmmm, looks like an aging population is searching for ways to feel better. Looks like an evergreen niche to me. Now, where can we go to drill down into the searches and find the top medical issues.
magistudio Premium
Very true Craig.. evergreen niches for all! I bet if you head over to http://pewresearch.org you probably would find something related to this survey.
BIS Premium
Thank you for flagging up this information. Really useful. Makes you think you should be running sites on wealther, health and medical info! But seriously, it did remind me that I need to turn more of my articles into videos when so many people are looking at them.
magistudio Premium
You are welcome.. :)

I agree with you on turning articles into videos.