Posts by Marcus 14
Courtesy of my good friends Gordon & Emm here at WA, check this out for unusual (no need to do anything...just click on the link and wait):   
Hey guys, I've just made a new post in the forum that explains how to link to any post on the WA blog via your affiliate link. This gives you an additional promotional opportunity, and it's one that I suggest you take advantage of :) Here's the link: Cheers, Marcus
Hi guys, Just thought I'd quickly respond to the many questions that I have received regarding an error message appearing in the Training Center resources when progressing through the course. As mentioned to a number of people via PM and in the forum, this is a system error that Kyle & Carson are aware of and are addressing right now. Further details of their progress can be found on the following page: Cheers, Marcus is just so cruel. Today (28th February) was to be the start of another massively happy chapter in my life as I was due to attend the 2010 WA conference in Las Vegas, but I’m not....I’m at home. ?? It all started on Friday (26th Feb) the day before I was due to fly out to Vegas. Everything was set at home, and I had just finished letting my friends here at WA know that I would be away for a few days. I hadn’t been feeling at my sharpest in the week leading up to the trip, a