I'm a Sponge

Last Update: May 27, 2010

Every day now I try to get the paying work done (work that pays right now, that is) before tackling training and keyword-research-practice and article-writing.  I never would have believed that I could get as much done in a day as I am doing.  Nor would I have believed that I would see so many results in such a short time.   

As far as the IM business goes, I don't need to see results in the form of dollars at this point.  I know how to recognize when I am learning valuable things.  One thing about being a student at heart is that you expect times of pure training, trial-and-error, practice, and mentoring.  I'm comfortable committing to the process and being patient while I practice.

As far as my other business goes...well, I love that it's all intertwined with what I'm doing through WA.   I had an interesting experience today that touches on the WA training.  I was interviewing a client today (an Internet Marketing firm) in order to be able to draft their standard proposal document.  The business owners complimented me on the knowledge behind the questions I was asking them.  A month ago, I never would have been able to ask them those questons.  I felt all smart and competent...not a bad feeling at all. 

Looking over what I've written, and it sounds oh-so-serious.  So I think I'll at least throw in an update on the worm farm guy.  I got a full report when I stopped by the local pub with a friend earlier.  The worms are breaking down that garbage like you wouldn't believe.  I'm getting the full scoop on garbage and worms as I share fajitas with my friend.  Ah, vermiculture.  What would we do without it?  I really do think that might be worth promoting.  Remember that for your keyword searches, guys:  VERMICULTURE.

The pub grub guy wasn't there, but some of his pub grub was in a dish on the bar--so I  guess he was successful in his sales efforts.

The sex toy lady didn't show tonight either.  Unfortunately, my bartender friend told me, I had just missed her.  Damn!  That might have been good for another story.  Apparently, a shipment of her products arrived while her mother-in-law was at the house with the kids. The stuffy Greenwich-Connecticut mom-in-law opens up the packages (nosy so-and-so that she is) and there are all of the goodies.  A plethora of the edible and the electric.  

See how much I learn when I go see my friends at Jose's Pub?



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AndreErasmus Premium
Paying work always comes first. My wife and I have a small ad agency in Johannesburg SA and IM have opened our horizons quite a bit as far as servicing our clients even if they don't do IM. We always dream of living next to the coast somewhere doing just IM. I get so involved in IM sometimes that when a client calls I sort of think we don't have time for this right now, but sanity kicks in and you do what you need to do first. Worm Farms seems to be big business, we have a green directory web site and all green things are very popular but seems to have a culture of "You are not allowed to make money from green because it is for the good of earth."
maureenhannan Premium
I love hole-in-the-wall places...anti-franchises. I love that I could tell Jose to take down the "no public restrooms" sign in the window and stop being such a grumpy-puss...and he just did it. And then gave me one on the house. Thanks for reading my ramblings and stories. :-)
jatdebeaune Premium
Jose's Pub sounds like fun. We have a local dive "pub" too with all kinds of interesting drama. Nice to have a place to dip into once and a while, especially if they have good food. I enjoy all your stories.