New Lens is Up

Last Update: June 12, 2010

I got an email from Noble Samurai yesterday morning--the developers of Market Samurai.  They were inviting me into their brand-new affiliate program, which actually goes "live" on Monday.  Guess what?  Only licensed owners of the software are being invited to participate in the affiliate program.  I interrupted some other projects and pounced.

Why did I pounce? 

1.  Because I love this software.  I'm the freebie queen.  The frugal diva...but this software was worth every penny of the $97 I spent.  I'll never forget sitting in a coffee shop with a general contractor and making a preliminary list of keywords for him in 15 minutes as he looked over my shoulder.  It made me look smart and professional (which of course is quite nice in and of itself), but the real benefit of that little interlude was that the GC went around telling his subcons that I have magic Google tools. 

2.  Because I know good research tools when I see them.  I may be a newbie Web marketer, but I am a dyed-in-the-wool researcher.  I cut my research teeth in the reference room of my undergrad library.  I had this one professor who made us do research scavenger hunts.  Codices, concordances, specialized encyclopedias, periodical name it.  In the pre-internet days, I could dish up whatever I needed from a reference-room smorgasbord.  And when I first used Google back in '99, I ran over to my buddy the local reference librarian and said, "Set this as your homepage.  It's like a Vulcan mind-meld."   Market Samurai is not a world-changer of the Google variety, but it is the best of its class (IMHO).  I have already gotten four peers/clients to purchase it--with no affiliate program to benefit from.  Now it's time to try and put a few coins in the piggy bank. 

3.  Because I like feeling special.  I like the fact that Noble Samurai is doing their affiliate program this way.  I SHOULD get rewarded for actually owning and using the software.  For having sat through hours of the Dojo training (love that they call their training center the Dojo!) with a cool Aussie trainer.  (I think he was Maori, which made in my low-diversity world made it even cooler.)

So I took some pains to set up what I hope is a decent Squidoo lens review.  I've submitted to feed directories and am currently awaiting indexing. It's a little long, but I think most people looking for reviews expect some meat, don't you?  (Do give feedback if you think it's TOO long.) 

 I'll probably try to make the most of the newness of the program by setting up at least one more lens with a good keyword URL.  And then, I know, I know promote that little sucker to death.  (I admit, that's the hardest part for me. The tedium of repurposing the article over and over again.  Blaaaaaahhhh.  But I'll nurture my little Squid baby...strengthen its dear little suction cups, exercise its little tentacles.  So it will grow up to be a great big Samurai Squid and make Mamasan proud.


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Fallulah Premium
I think your lens is well thought out and if I was looking to buy a keyword tool I would definitely trial it so well done! I also love you avatar and bio. After my partner declared my photo makes me look like a cross between a 70's porn star and an animal hunter (and I'm nothing like either!) I'm thinking of going down the avatar route myself. What did you use to produce it?
Moonstone Premium
I really like your lens and market samurai looks really good as well, ive downloaded it to look into it further. I'm not sure about the keywords though, are they strong enough to outstrip the competiton and get visitors? They seem to have a high competiton.
ana_nimoss Premium
The first one about Samurai is interesting but too much tech jargon for me (I am way behind you), so I am not sure if I can make any fair comments on that. I will read again in 2 months. I read Think and Grow Rich many years ago and remember how I could not sleep that night... some unexplainable excitement.... Then, I forgot about it. I should dig around to find the book again. They are both very well written pieces. I was going to share my lens with you (when I actually finish it), but I don't know.... how hard are you going to laugh?
klrrider Premium
Lens looks good to me (but what do I know). I have never been able to do well with them... hubs work better for me. I really like your avatar and bio. MS is one of the better things that has happened to me also. An affiliate product of the highest value. I am sure there will be 1000s promoting it though.
jatdebeaune Premium
Agree with you about Market Samurai. I like it too. I'm coming back later to really read and concentrate, but at a glance, the lens doesn't look too long to me.