First blog by the user today 22 Aug 2023

Last Update: September 07, 2023

Luna 25

Russia's Luna spacecraft, which was aiming to become the first one to make a soft landing on the Moon's south pole, crashed on the Moon's surface over the weekv hiend. The program, Russia's first attempt to make a moon landing since the end of the Soviet era, ended with Luna-25 crash.

  • Hdjfjf jfjf f
  • Fjfjjftmfbg hcjfjf hhu
  • Fchfjfjjtbcn

Hftyru dchhfjd dfjjfdjdbhhfy dbhfydj dchfjdj fnfjjfjf fjjfhdvr fbfhjf

  1. Bfjdj
  2. Fnjf
  3. Fjfitk
  4. Bfjfj

Check for the other issues. Ji hdjfjfj


Dnfhhfhf fhfjfj ffhj fhfjhf rhfjf hr rrhdufh dhdhf rhdjdhdrhrjjrjf hfhff fhhc fbbfhfnfn

Hfjfjf h fjufjf fjffujf fjffufb fhduudf fhfhfb fhfujf bththrjrh

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