New blog on 3rd April 2015

Last Update: April 02, 2015

Heading into the new year, we wanted to personally reach out to everyone within the WA family and ask you for your feedback as to how we can better improve the service here at WA...your biggest annoyances...and what you would like to see improved upon or fixed within the community.

This is YOUR community as much as it is ours and we want to make your experience, your learning, your success the best it can be. You are the reason that we have evolved and continue to be inspired to improve the service here at Wealthy Affiliate.

So if you could take a short minute today and offer some insights as to:

  1. How you think WA can be improved
  2. Some of the aspects in which you find the most confusing
  3. What you really like about Wealthy Affiliate and would like to see us elaborate on.

I can tell you that we have a TON of projects slated for the year ahead, we have a lot of progressive and highly innovative projects currently in the works, and we are going to be rolling out several things this year that has never been done in the industry.

Thanks again for all that you do and all the feedback that you are constantly giving us about what we can do to make this service better for you. You mean the world to us and we are going to continue proving this to you in 2015!

Happy Holidays and wish you and your family a safe and enjoyable time!

  • dfdsf
  • dfdf

  1. erewr
  2. erwer

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