New Blog with nested list on eco system

Last Update: July 25, 2024
  1. The aim of the classification shown below is to develop a flexible structure that broadly links the categories of goods and ecosystem service that are being discussed in on-going international initiatives such as the MA, TEEB, and the functional groupings considered in the SEEA. In proposing this structure the aim is not to put forward a scheme that replaces any existing typologies, but to provide a standard that allows the translation between different systems.
    • New text in nested and other some important things with the help of ecosystems we can achieve.
    • the contributions that ecosystems make to human well being.
    • For the purposes of the classification the term ‘ecosystem services’ refers to both ‘goods’ and ‘services’
  2. MA, TEEB, and the functional groupings considered in the SEEA. In proposing this structure the aim is not to put forward a scheme that replaces any existing typologies, but to provide a standard that allows the translation between different systems.
    • To help with the problem of valuation and more particularly the cross-tabulation of services with other product and activity classifications,
    • and this also with some extra text
      • same same text need to paste here to create a draft
      • The types can be subdivided further as use of the classification develops.
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