Sitecontent revamp

Last Update: November 05, 2023

Change. It's the one constant in the digital world...our world.

Today, I'm excited to announce that we are going to be in the thick of that change, as I reveal an evolutionary step we've taken with our 'SiteContent' platform...and this is just the first of MANY.

A little back story first though..

When we set out to rethink the SiteContent platform last December, our mission was straight-forward, yet ambitious:

  • to make you more efficient
  • to make you more organized
  • to leverage all technology that we have access to
  • to be way more mobile ready for the mobile age

The answer is to our approach it not just a simple redesign; instead, it's a reimagining of possibilities, a vision for the future. A future that now exists with AI, but one that still needs to focus on practicality, function, and design that is intuitive and appealing to an end user.

We also wanted to retain all of the favorite features within the platform, while removing redundancies and things that are not needed, and don't add value. And it needs to be SIMPLE, so easy my mom can use it. And it needs to be fast...and work brilliantly on mobile.

These were all considerations that we focused with in our design. You will have noticed the following improvements if you have jumped into the platform.

  • Brand New Dashboard. overhauled dashboard, designed with a user-focused mindset, now provides a visually appealing and intuitive interface that enhances your experience. We've not just refined the look; we've revolutionized it, embracing a clean, vibrant aesthetic that prioritizes functionality, while also being easy to navigate.
  • New & Improved Editor. The last version of the SiteContent Editor didn't come without it's awkward and annoying quirks. Spacing issues, bulleted list headaches, image insertion issues. The reality is that was technology we built in 2018, and it needed to be updated to our latest tech in our new environment. We are using a stable "editor" framework site wide here at WA, the same that tech giants like Facebook are using.
  • Enhanced Article Management. We have created a new and refreshed management area for all of your content. Organizing and streamlining your work easier than ever. Gone are the days when you'd lose precious time hunting for specific features or navigation tools. You can now organize all of your content in folders, see which content is clearly published already, and sort your content by website. We have also retained the "word goals" so you can track your efforts and hit all of those writing milestones.
  • Mobile Focused. Our redesigned platform has been built from the ground up with mobile usage in mind. Whether you're at your desk, a coffee shop, or on the move, you can now enjoy the full Site Content experience. More and more people are looking to perform business related tasks on the fly, and we have you covered.

But while these improvements are indeed solid improvements for the platform, it's the under-the-hood changes and the move towards an AI-assisted world that are truly going to be setting the stage for an exciting future of platforms and releases here at WA.

Let's jump into the initial artificial intelligence (AI) integration into SiteContent and how this will evolve moving forward.

The Growing Importance of AI in Content Creation

We are living in a world now where it is tough to go a few hours without hearing something about "AI". While it AI can have incredible uses in our business, there is a fine line between use, function, and usability.

Our approach to AI at Wealthy Affiliate is pretty simple. We don't believe in an AI "created" world, it's simply not going to happen. We believe in an "AI-assisted" world, and this is one that will always require YOU to be involved in the process. Whether it is research, outlining articles, writing articles, analyzing your content/website, or otherwise.

AI is not replacing us, it is making us faster than ever and allowing us to solve bigger problems than ever (and do so with incredible efficiency).

With every click, every post, and every article, it's becoming increasingly clear: The OLD you and me? They are quickly being pushed into the past. The NEW us, powered by the capabilities of AI is where we are headed, and where you will be headed with Wealthy Affiliate.

We are going to be building out platforms and services here within WA where we utilize AI to it's fullest extent, simplifying processes that were once complicated (and often times mundane). The goal, to make you more efficient than ever. Not just a little more efficient, but 5-10x more efficient.

It's time, and the game is going to change.

New SiteContent Platform - AI Outlines

Many of you have already jumped in and started using the new platform, but let's have a look how we're using it here in our initial release of the new SiteContent.

When you go to create a new article, you are going to notice the "Using Article Designer":

If you select that, it is going to take you into a brand new world. This is what you will see upon clicking into the Article Deisgner.

This is your new home base for creating content, as you are going to start out by choosing your Type of Content (Blog Post or About Me), and then you will move forward with the process of building out your content outline.

The first step is to choose your article topic, which is in essence the "keyword phrase" or title of your article. As you type in that search area, you will notice that a lot of different keyword ideas come up.

Then below that is an "Add content details" section that is optional, but if there is anything in particular that you want to make sure is included in the article, you will want to include it there.

Upon doing this, you will choose the "Length" of the content. In this case I am choosing an article with 5 sections, and when I write it out, this article should naturally be around the 1401 - 1700 word mark (although this is just a suggestion).

Upon doing this, you can create your first run of your outline, which is then also editable. This creation process may take up to a minute or so while the AI platform works it magic.

You can edit any one of these sections if you want, adding new bullet points, editing existing ones, and even adding entirely new sections. This is the "prep" before the main event, when you will be heading off to the Author section to add your content.

These outline algorithms are built with SEO in mind, Helpful Content, and appropriately building out an article with a proper flow to it (intro, body, conclusion). Also, we built this to take the complex AI work out of your hands, and to provide a clean interface to build "quality" outlines.

After you are done with the outlines, you are ready for the "prime time"...content creation. First though, you will be choosing your author. This is the part of the platform that alludes to "future" updates, and probably the most exciting platform we have ever worked on, AI Authors which we will have more details on soon.

So choose "Write the Article Myself" and then export to the editor.

Voila. Your article is now in your SiteContent editor and ready to go!

We have gone from concept, to full article outline in 2 minutes or less. The research has been done for you, the flow has been done for you, the organization has been done for you, the typing of these ideas also done for you.

Gone are the days of grappling with content structure and flow. Our AI tool takes the heavy lifting off your shoulders by providing you with the optimal structure for your content based on your keyword or topic. All you’ve got to do now is fill in the gaps.

Hours saved on every article.

SiteContent "Content Outlines" & Word Credits

Every outlines cost you 100 credits. You are going to get 300 credits total with Starter, 1,500 per month (or 15 full outlines) with Premium, and 3,000 per months (or 30 outlines monthly) with Premium Plus+.

Embracing the Future with SiteContent

Now, let's talk about the bigger picture. Beyond the new AI features and improvements, this launch represents a significant step in our broader journey. Our goal with SiteContent is going to be to reshape the future of content creation.

Again, the big "Coming Soon" label on the AI Authors platform probably piqued your interest. This is in fact coming soon, and something that we have been using and polishing for the last 9 months. I use it every day, and I know it is going to blow your mind when we roll it out.

Our AI Author platform (which full writes your content) is going to be moving into a Beta before the year's out, and it is initially going to be exclusive to Premium Plus+ members during the Beta. This will almost certainly be followed by a full rollout in early 2024, where Premium members will get access to it as well.

The digital world is moving at a faster pace than ever, and staying stagnant is not an option for us. We are reinventing not just content, but WA, and the way in which you will be building businesses online in the future.

This is just brushing the surface as to where we are headed and we can't wait to see what the future holds for the community, and for the platform here at WA.

We genuinely appreciate your continued support and look forward to seeing the incredible content you create with our new technology at your disposal.

We would love to hear your feedback, and if you have any comments, questions or suggestions please drop them below!

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