This is first blog on 1st March 2022 here

Last Update: March 23, 2022

This goes for education across the board. Year over year, inflation is hitting the education world with the cost of tuition breaking records year-over-year. The SAME program Carson and I took in college is now over $50,000.

In fact, I was just looking up some stats in Google and the average cost of a University degree these days is $67,694 per year close to $270,776 at an average school. You can double that if you want to go to Harvard. IN-SANE!

Obviously knowing what we know now, we would have invested all the time, money and energy into building a business instead of going to school. We would have been way further ahead in the short and long run.

OK, I digress. I just wanted to rant about the crazy world of education, and how so many people are fooled into thinking that it is their way to “money”, when it is their own hard work combined with a proper approach to making money, that will lead them there.

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