This is my blog dated 20th April 2015

Last Update: August 14, 2015
  1. Come Up With An Appropriate Schedule- Coming up with a schedule to write your blog will help you write when you are less likely to be distracted or tired. Some people prefer writing early in the morning before everyone wakes up or just before the day begins. Choose a time when you are more likely to be creative, less distracted or tired.
  2. Get Rid Of All Distractions - Log out your twitter, Facebook and all other applications before you start. Only open the tabs you will be using for your research and close all the others to avoid wasting time. You need to be focused when writing to avoid wasting your time and to allow your creative juices to flow.
  3. Turn Off The Spell Checker While Writing - To avoid wasting time, write your blog post without pausing to make corrections or to edit. Finish the entire post and then go back to correct the grammar and spelling mistakes. Doing this will help you to write faster as you will not be worried about the mistakes.

Write down the main points before you begin writing. A blog post should have an introduction, body, and conclusion. Once you have written down the main points it will be easier for you to fill the details and break your post into readable and attractive subheadings.

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