System Activity Data Set

We will store the following data points in a table called "was_system_activity"

Asked a Question (a new question) Answered a Question (a comment on a question) Blogged (new blog post) Added Training (new training) Introduced Themselves (added description for the first time) Just Joined (added an image) Added a Comment (top level, or reply) Built a website

This will all be inserted and kept up to date via CRON. This table does not need to be historic, so when the cron runs, it will overwrite any records in this table.

Filter the activity by:

  1. Members who have images that have been uploaded by them (not selected from the system).
  2. Both Premium and Starter members
  3. Are "live" and where write-access = ON.
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kyle Premium
Umesh, This is a answer to your question