Landing Page

Last Update: January 11, 2010


So I would need some help or some tips from someone who has a nice experience on making landing pages... I need to improve mine because It's not very catchy.... I guess.. ;)

How to improve the background, where to place the videos, etc...

This is how it looks actually:

Please tell me how you would do it so it has a better presentation, and how it could convert... :)

Thank you!

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PedroSousa Premium
So the landing page has been modified, now it looks a lot better! Check it out ;)
PedroSousa Premium
lol!!! Thanks a lot Monika, I guess you are right! The pink is a bit corny... :P
So I'll make some improvements and then I'll show the page again.
Thanks for your opinion! ;)
Monika Premium
Hi Pedro

Its not too bad at all. I have a couple of points for you tough.
Please, what ever you do, get rid of that pink. That is not nice. Sorry.

Also if you could make the page 2 equal columns and add some extra pictures as well as the video. If you go to www.sxc,hu you'll find heaps of free images to use.

But i wouldnt make it so girly because that would keep half the population away (the guys).

Im sorry to be so harsh with you, but it will be really cool.

Good luck