PotPieGirl's Theory On This Google Update

Last Update: March 04, 2011

Well it's been pretty darn interesting in our community online lately, hasn't it?  Google sure knows how to shake us up...lol!

Sadly, this is not a laughing matter for many webmasters and site owners.  Their numbers are down in a MAJOR way - and that is tough to deal with.

Thing that's been bothering me is that our community seems fixated on this latest Google algo update to be targeting Content Farms in general.


So, if that is true, why aren't ALL "content farms" suffering the same fate?


I took a look at HubPages, EzineArticles, Squidoo, ArticlesBase, and eHow...and have my own theory on what's going on with them.


Not ALL of them are hurting now....one is even doing BETTER.  Why Is that?


Stop by my blog at PotPieGirl.com and see what I've dug up.


==>> My Theory on The Google Algo/Farmer Update


I was shocked at what I found!


Now, I might be totally off my rocker....but I don't think so.





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robert2704 Premium
Hi Jenniffer, If I remember correctly from one week marketing you have a couple of directories on the go that's more for getting squidoo lenses indexed faster. How are they performing?

Waiting to here from Travis as no doubt the EZA shake up is going to be affecting the magic of making up. No doubt there'll be some work around coming out in the near furture.
magistudio Premium
Whew!! Glad my 'wee pee pee' is still fine.. lol

Great post!
jatdebeaune Premium
Very interesting theory and results from your study. My numbers are down in EZA and I am no where near any of those 7 topics you mentioned.
WRI Premium
Ezine took a hit as Article Base came up .. its leveling out now. However, content thieves are on notice and should beware for zero tolerance hence forth period.