Article directories, affiliate disclosure, websites down...

Last Update: July 23, 2010

I learned today that it is indeed just fine to submit the same article to multiple article directories.  A few apparently demand exclusivity, but the major ones like EzineArticles and GoArticles don't. 

I learned this through a forum discussion about GoArticles tightening their article guidelines.  Apparently GoArticles had the reputation of being the place that would publish anything, so it attracted a lot of articles that were blatant promotions, sales pitches, etc.  This caused Google to rate them poorly in terms of content quality and page ranks.

This is good news for me because I will only submit a content article to an article directory.  I can tell that what they want is helpful content.  They understand how the article marketing game is played and make allowance for it--you get to shamelessly promote whatever you want in the resource box, but not the article body.  If I want to submit a sales pitch then I can submit it to an ad site.   So, I'm glad GoArticles is tightening their guidelines to weed out all the "articles" that are really advertisements.  Less competition for me.  I hope they all do that.

So I spent time submitting my four articles to all of three article hubs I'm currently signed up with.  There are lots of them.  I probably need to set up some sort of goal where I register for one new article directory and submit all articles to date to that directory each day or week or something like that.  I also need to set up a database of my articles, their keywords, author bio associated with them, where they are published, etc.  Also another database with my login info for all those article directories.  And another one for all my affiliate links, urls, etc.   I'm hoping I can get to a point where I am making a bit of residual income so I feel I can afford the time it will take.

One of the companies I want to affiliate with asked for a link to my FTC Affiliate Advertising disclosure policy if I do product reviews.  While my site is called, it's really a collection of product landing pages with pretty blatant promotional copy.  Do I need to have an FTC Affiliate Advertising disclosure policy to be legal or something?

I was hoping to start another campaign around composting because I just got accepted as an affiliate for a company that sells all kinds of composting-related products.  But I can't get into my web site.  Is WA hosting having problems or is it just my computer?

I sure hope the problem gets fixed because it sure would be frustrating to have people reading my articles without being able to click through to my landing pages.  The My Linker stats are showing clicks in the single digits and there hasn't been any change in hours.  Do I wait?  How long does it take for things to start showing up in the search engines?  Do I just need to keep plugging away with writing articles?  Or, are there some fundamental problems with my campaigns?  I sure wish I knew.

Aaaargh!  Time to take a break and let my husband work on the slave job for a while.  We seriously need money NOW.   In the mean time, please take a look at what I've shared and tell me if I'm missing anything for it to work.


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