Article Marketing Club Day 1

Last Update: October 26, 2010

I did get into the article marketing club and got started today.  I bought a new domain and got the DNS's to point to the WA hosting service.  Then I came up with ten ideas for articles to write on stuff that you find within WA.

The welcome email informed me among other things that by the end of the month I will have written fifty articles.  Nothing helps you sort out which campaigns to even start like information like that.  I've started a number of campaigns based on topics I have some interest in and knowledge of, but some interest, even a lot of interest, doesn't necessarily translate into an ability or quite frankly, desire, to write fifty articles on the subject.

I know I could write fifty or more articles on Internet marketing, though :-).  This brings me to another point.  Up until very recently I was reluctant to promote WA sales because I felt like I needed to successfully make money in affiliate marketing before I could promote WA.  Now I see there's another way to look at it.  I came to WA with a desire to make money online, and since joining, I have given many hours of thought, training and practice to the goal of making money online.  In other words, I've been immersed in the subject, and while I don't consider myself successful at it yet, I can certainly claim to be a SME in the field of making money online.  Not only that I feel passionate about making money online--I want to so badly.

Passion and knowledge--those are two key ingredients to being able to really write about a given subject.  Actual experience can help, but it's not necessary, just ask any freelance writer who's written articles about subjects with no prior knowledge.  So now I am going to promote WA and here's hoping I quickly get enough signups to cover the cost of my own membership!

I'm one of those people who has a very active and creative mind and I usually have a "better" idea.  Not to mention I have always been one to push the envelope on conventional wisdom.  Just because everybody does something does not automatically mean I do it.  I've come to realize, though, that there is a time and place to just learn and follow the directions to the letter and set aside my good ideas and creativity for the time being.  There's a reason the plan is the way it is--because it has been proven to work.  At this time I am simply not qualified to improve on it, even with my own campaign.  So I decided I'm going to follow the instructions to the letter--buckle down and do what I'm told.  Once I have a successful campaign under my belt I will be able to more appropriately use my good ideas and even improvements.

I'm excited about what Day 2 has in store.  I didn't have any questions on today's assignment, but I suspect I'll be adding a lot of questions tomorrow.  We will be using WP-E for the article marketing club.  I have a few websites that use WP-E, and all of them have some sort of unresolved technical issue.  I am definitely going to overcome these issues for my WA site, and hopefully that will spill over onto my other sites and campaigns.

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lovin_life67 Premium
I'm in the club too....I got stuck in thorough studying mode and just finished lesson one today and am now working on lesson 2.
prinker Premium
Great Blog! Good Luck to us all in the club. I know we will all have gained much needed knowledge for future campaigns by day 30.