Day 16

Last Update: November 10, 2010

Copied right over from my forum post for the WA Article Marketing Club Day 16:

I finished my homework today, but as usual it took me way too long to write those two articles. I'm quite the perfectionist but I know for me the only way to make it take less time is to do it the long way and gradually get less picky and better about writing the copy. At least I'm proud of the quality of my work. This came up on another thread, but Ezine apparently is getting even more picky about quality stuff, including the quality of the page you link to. I say good for them. That means I will get my articles accepted and a lot of mediocre writers won't. Less competition. Anyway, all I really want to say is that I'm glad there's a trend somewhere towards selecting quality over quantity because it matches my style better.

Someone asked about the call to action. I try to keep my pages as informative as possible, but I have a paragraph on most of my pages that relates the subject to WA in some way, and invites people to read my more detailed review. Sometimes I'll have a paragraph on my blog posts. Sometimes I won't. It depends on if it's directly relevant. If it's not, then I figure readers will browse other pages and get the message that way. I suppose I should put in a few banners for WA just to make it obvious. Also hoping the best approach gets covered in the club.

I really haven't checked on too many of my articles. I did find one on page one early on so I'm trusting the system is working until I'm ready to add tracking to my routine.

Yes, I'm starting to get a picture in my mind of a good daily (or at least several times a week) routine to follow. It's still fuzzy, but it would go something like this:

Choose a keyword or two to target
Create a relevant page with lots of good information that lends itself to being broken down into several subtopics
Write an article on each possible subtopic targeting each article to a different keyword
Do something with social bookmarking (still haven't figured that part out)
Add a picture to a page or do one thing that makes the website look prettier
add a blog post

What are you guys seeing as a routine to follow?

I changed my forum signature again to show off my most recent page. What do you guys think of the copy? Does it make you want to read it?

Talk to you all later..


My forum signature says:  Are you at risk of buying money scams on the Internet? Visit Online Marketing 101 to learn how you can resist the marketing hype and choose the right products to help you earn money online. 


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