Day Four: Actions that Take Forever

Last Update: July 16, 2010

I just wrote a novel for today's progress report and something went haywire and it all got lost. 

Yes, I've had an interesting day of more training, building websites, taking down websites and trying again, browsing DMOZ for niche research, registering on endless sites that will support my Internet marketing efforts, coming across a really thorough blog post about how to make money with blogs, and deciding to for now myself go the route of a blog to use for my marketing.

Unfortunately I don't have the energy to chronicle what I did all over again.  It was a long and productive day, I do have a blog, I still feel like I'm on the steep learning curve, I know I will need to pace myself better--even if I can sustain my current level of intensity for another few weeks, my family can't--but I don't want to slow down until I have everything set up for money to start coming in.  Am I even close?

And I can't even continue with the training course I'm following for another six days.  Luckily there are many other resources on WA that don't have time locks!

Two philosophical points I want to make. 

1. Lesson 3 talked about how 10% of the people are truly successful while 90% aren't.  I was asked which group I was in.  So far, I've been in the 90%.  I realize the reason is this notion in my head that my destined lot in life is to be part of the group of people who works very hard at a full time job that doesn't quite pay enough so we struggle financially.  I need to get past that mental block.  God didn't limit me to a certain lot in life, nor is there some cosmic rule in place that says I can have so much in life and no more.  I have everything else I need to succeed, though.

2.  I played around with the blog and funnel feature and set up one of those sites for myself.  I even went through the process of inputting all ten follow up automated email letters into my brand new aweber account.  Then I realized I am very uncomfortable with using the site for now.  It's just not me.  The copy is not something I'd write or want to sign my name to and the whole approach is not my style.  Once I have more knowledge I will do one of two things, either customize the entire thing and rewrite the content to suit my style, or I'll come to understand why it's laid out and written the way it is and decide it's something I can work with after all.  But right now I don't have enough information to make a decision.  I need to be open to accepting it while being true to my sense of integrity at the moment.  I just have to wait on this one.  It's not something I can rush.

Whenever I'm learning something new, there's always some aspect of discomfort and tension as I have to adapt my being to the new information.  It's what an author I read recently referred to as living in the now and the not yet.


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