Day Two

Last Update: July 14, 2010

I'm learning that WA has a pretty efficient way for members to find each other, as without doing anything other than create my WA Space I have received two PMs and a bunch of messages on Buddy Talk just to welcome me to WA.  I haven't even introduced myself on the forum yet.  It is on my to do list and will probably happen later today.  So, I was able to check the assignment to add five buddies without any effort, and the people who reached out to me have some pretty awesome credentials.  I really appreciate you making yourselves so available to me.  It may be a while before I take you up on your offers of help.  At this point I don't even know what questions to ask, and when I read through your blog posts about this or that practice or technique, it's pretty much Greek to me.

I know that won't last long.  Early in our marriage my husband and I attended a talk by a Bible scholar who was of the opinion that you couldn't truly understand the Bible without reading it in its original languages, which are Greek and Hebrew.  He encouraged everyone to take up the study of Greek no matter how old they were.  His motto was "I know more Greek today than I knew yesterday."  Although my husband and I do not agree with his opinion and at this point have not taken up studying the Greek language (we prefer to read the Bible in English, thank you very much), we do use this motto when we're learning something new that seems overwhelming.  No matter what it is, you approach it the same way:  start at the beginning and take it one step at a time and learn a bit more each day.  It's always fun to look back and see how far we've come.

Even with Internet Marketing, although I'm just starting and I don't know much, I know more about IM today than I did yesterday.  I'm excited to learn more and so appreciate all the help and support I'm going to get along the way.

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