Halfway through the club

Last Update: November 09, 2010

I can hardly believe I'm halfway through the WA article marketing club and haven't yet fallen behind.  This is clearly something I can do; I just needed a little direction.

As assigned I created a new static page and a new blog post based on something current or newsworthy in the field of Internet marketing.  I wrote my blog post about Internet marketing certification.  I've started noticing advertisements for getting some sort of formal certification for gaining knowledge in Internet marketing through an accredited university.  You also get to pay accredited university tuition.  Anyway, it's interesting that Internet marketing is becoming more widely recognized as a career choice.

I wrote my static page Money scams on the Internet all about common marketing techniques used to sell you the latest greatest money making product.  I guess I've visited enough landing pages and heard enough sales webinars to start picking out these techniques.  I came up with five.  The keyword I chose to target had the word "scams" in it--it was a nice low competition high search volume long tail keyword that I couldn't resist.

I spun an article and submitted it to EzineArticles, but they do not allow the use of the word "scams" in their titles, so my carefully optimized title had to go out the window.  I reworded it and submitted it anyway, but just for good measure I submitted the same article to ArticleBase, and they allowed the original title I'd chosen.  The funny thing is I would have preferred not to use the word "scams" but all the keyword research I did pointing to the general topic indicated that searchers do use that word, so what can you do?

I just created a keyword anchored backlink for both my new static page and my blog post by writing this entry.  I say that's pretty good for a day's work :-)

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