Local SEO and Mobile Marketing: a match made in heaven?

Last Update: November 22, 2010

OK, the match has not been made yet to my knowledge but it sounds like a no-brainer.

I'm still very busy with my WA article marketing campaign.  Day 28 and I still am not behind (although I think my kids are starting to miss me LOL).  OK OK I'm having trouble with the social bookmarking stuff but apparently that's the first thing that gets dropped anyway when there's a time crunch.  I'll be busy with it for two more days, then I need to set my own goals and tasks and continue maintaining the campaign.

Meanwhile, my interest turns in other directions.  Local SEO is a big one for me.  I can see lots of applications here, and it goes along with my interest in going local, community currencies, that sort of thing.  Ultimately, I believe my skills in Internet marketing will be in service of some of those ideals.  Local SEO could be a great way to go.  In fact, I'm positive on that one.

There's this ClickBank product I've seen before (and happened to get 5 tweets in a row about today) called Mobile Monopoly.  It's Internet marketing using cel phones, and the compelling argument is that pretty much everyone in the world now owns a cel phone (the statistic was 5 billion cel phone uers out of what, 7.4 billion total population?) and now they use their cel phones to surf the Internet at the expense of the pc.

The first thing I think about is mobile marketing has got to go hand in hand with Local SEO.  I asked Jennifer (PPG) if that was going to be included in the P3M elite training.  I would think people are most likely to use their cel phones to locate a business while they're on the road, especially if they have a need come up while they're on the road. 

A common scenario I can think of is a sudden windshield crack.  That's the sort of thing you want to get fixed ASAP, so you'd whip out the cel phone to figure out where the most convenient windshield repair shop was so you could stop by on the way home before it got worse.

So I think I'm going to work the basic SEO techniques Jennifer shared on a couple local business owners I know, see how it works, then see if I can land a client who will cover the fee to sign up for P3M Elite and buy that Mobile Monopoly product, then work on a way to combine the two.

Unless someone in WA has some knowledge on the subject they'd like to share.  What do you all know about Mobile marketing?


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Thanks to both of you for the great information and insights. That's one of many reasons I just love WA! I'm not buying Mobile Monopoly and I will check out Offermobi.com very soon. Happy Thanksgiving to both of you and all my other dedicated readers and fans :-)
taku123 Premium
I did purchase mobile monopoly, The program gives a good base for learning about mobile advertising. I bought the program back in August this year. It is not a magic program but it teaches you the basics of setting up campaigns and running traffic, how to make banners and what phones take what. I would say to save your money, its only like $37. If you go to some of the mobile advertising affiliate sites they have webinars you can watch for free about how to do the same stuff. Offermobi.com has about 10 webinars you can watch for free, it goes through how to set up campaigns, join networks and run traffic.
I have been making about $20 - $30 a day in mobile marketing right now, but you have to test and spend money to run the ads. To make that $20 may cost me anywhere from $5-$15 depending on the day. It is similar to PPC or Banner Ads. The money is there to be made. Good Luck
andys43us Premium
I said the same thing on your forum post. Stay away from Mobile Monopoly. Save your time and money and don't get it. Here is a thread on warrior forums talking about the product. http://www.warriorforum.com/internet-marketing-product-reviews-ratings/245003-mobile-monopoly-review.html