OK, Where Am I Headed?

Last Update: July 20, 2010

Yesterday someone on the forum recommended Skadoogle as a great tool for folks who like to blog about life, so I signed up and added a blog for me and my husband.  The advice was to blog about heavily searched keywords.  Skadoogle is supposed to automate a certain amount of the affiliate linking and monetize your blog.

Since I've enjoyed blogging about current events I jumped on it.  However, like everything else in Internet marketing, this plugin has a learning curve.  It's not completely automatic in that it doesn't read my mind.  I'll have to slog through its training tutorials too.  Add about five or six things with steep learning curves together and it's major overloaded brain city!

So I have myself going in different directions all at once, and it seems each day I register with several new websites and obtain as many login IDs and passwords.  Yikes!

It can be good to have several things going at once.  I guess if I get bored with one thing I can work on another.  But, there's no getting around the fact that it's going to take hours and hours of slogging to get really good at any one campaign. So a heavy dose of FOCUS will be very good for me right now.

Here's what's on my plate right now:

1.  Write & submit more articles to go with my landing page.

2.  Learn Squidoo

3.  Learn Skadoogle

I guess that's not too bad.  Just needed to sort it out. <input id="gwProxy" type="hidden" /><!--Session data--><input /></p>

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moonvine Premium
I do agree - and recently I grabbed my address book and started adding passwords to that -- on a special section I added just for passwords.
Focus seems impossible when I feel so scattered. My goal for tomorrow is to focus in and accomplish one thing - period! :)
jatdebeaune Premium
You just described what I find the most difficult part of IM, as well as the most beneficial. That is, all the different learning curves you have to go through, and remember each one. Good for the brain. Keeping track of all the usernames and passwords is not easy either. I have a paper trail on everything that is in my computer. I think one of the talents you have to master as an Internet Marketer is organizational skills.