PayBox: a truly rare and limited income opportunity

Last Update: December 01, 2010

I joined PayBox a couple months ago and feel confident recommending it here.  It's a company with ambitions to become the best online payment processing service ever.  A big goal they have right now is to grow to around five million users.  

Rather than spend a lot of money on advertising, they have an incentive program for their early bird users who help them test the system.  You can become an early bird user at any time by simply registering an account.

PayBox will immediately credit your account with $25.00 and then add up to $20.00 each day that you remain an active member.

What does being an active member mean?  You log in once a day, subscribe to the PayBox blog, complete a couple daily and weekly surveys and any other little tasks they ask you to perform.  Right now it's voting on debit card designs.  It takes five minutes of your time and you earn a $20.00 credit for your trouble.

I can't think of an easier way to get making money online started.  The catch is that you won't actually have access to your account balance until PayBox launches and "opens the box."  However, they are working on that very thing now.  You can think of it as forced savings for the time being.  Where else can you open up an account with nothing and have it grow by $20.00 a day?

Of course there is always the risk of the whole thing never panning out, although after being an early bird user for several months PayBox still looks legitimate and solid to me, and I read a lot of spammy offers so I know what I'm talking about.  I consider it a worthwhile risk.  Remember, it's completely free to join.

The daily $20.00 bonuses won't last forever.  As soon as PayBox launches (scheduled for sometime between March and May 2011), the daily bonuses will stop.  This is truly a rare and limited time opportunity.  I encourage all of you to take full advantage of it.

Join PayBox Now


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famousplumber Premium
PayBox’s Magic Beans
First, the most important information is buried back in the terms and conditions section and that is is paying those cash bonuses in their own currency. This PayBox currency at the present time, has no value and is not exchangeable for anything. Given the resources it would take to make Pay Box currency exchangeable with other established world currencies and/or the time and resources needed to establish strategic business partnerships with retailers to trade Pay Box currency for goods, it is my opinion that Pay Box currency will never have value.

Google "" and read the reviews.
prinker Premium
I joined a couple of months ago and my daily log in total is over $1,000; you have absolutely nothing to lose. If PayBox makes becomes the next PayPal awesome if for some reason it does not you have lost nothing except a couple of minutes out of each day that you logged in, but I just think about the positive and me being able to have access to my "savings account".