Sunday: Day of Rest

Last Update: July 18, 2010

Today I did nothing with WA except check my email and log in at the end of the day.  I feel like it was the perfect time to take a step back.  Not sure when I'll be back at it tomorrow.  My husband is scheduled to work all day and I need to get back into homeschooling my daughters.  I'm hoping to have a few hours in the evening and maybe late into the night when my husband is done for the day.  I'm very encouraged by the income possibilities in my hopefully near future, but we're not at the point where we can quit the day job yet.  Patience, patience.

I'm very inspired by Squidoo.  I think I'd like to start working on a lens for my niche.  I searched and there is absolutely nothing on Squidoo on my niche--at least not searchable by my favorite keywords.   I have access to photos, can find relevant videos on YouTube, can write great content.  I think I have all the ingredients for a great presence on Squidoo.  Just need to learn the ropes.  I printed off the manual from their website and that just might be my bedtime reading.  PotPieGirl, if you're reading this... I know you're the WA resident expert on Squidoo, so I might call on you for feedback as I'm going along.

 But I will be submitting as many articles as I possibly can, even while working on the Squidoo lens.

Another thing that I'm finding inspiring is Bum Marketing.  It goes over a lot of the same information but in a different and engaging way that for whatever reason clicks with me.  I've got Travis' free ecourse printed out as well.  I especially like his tip about the free ad service.  Hey, if I can put out a few ads for free, oh my gosh they are so much easier to write than articles.  I could totally own my niche very quickly.

Speaking of owning my niche, Marcus sent me some very encouraging feedback on my website and choice of niche.  I'm well positioned to come out on top, just need keyword rich backlinks, whatever that means.  I'll get it, just haven't yet fully digested that piece of the puzzle.  But I think it involves writing more articles (just a hunch).

Hopefully I'll be able to spend some time on things tomorrow.  Until then, hope all my readers have a wonderful, inspiring and productive Monday :-)

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jatdebeaune Premium
It all sounds very exciting to me. Thanks, and you have an inspiring and productive Monday as well.