Wrapping up the WA article marketing club

Last Update: November 18, 2010

Today our homework was to think about the big picture, specifically how to incorporate a routine of Internet marketing into our day to day life.

I got immersed in the process of creating more content for my websites and publishing articles.  I have six pending articles in the EzineArticles Pipeline.  It's a bit of a fun game for me to see how many I can build up there before they accept one and take it out of the queue.

I also hit the point sometime in the past week where it became clear to me how I could take my article marketing campaign into a related but relatively new niche and also promote a different product.

Before the article marketing club I thought I had several campaigns.  Now I realize they were full of holes and missing pieces.  No wonder they didn't make me rich (LOL).

So I took one of those "campaigns," one where I actually got pretty lucky--I got some incredible mileage out of just one Squidoo Lens--and found a way to roll it into my WA campaign.  So now I have two campaigns for the price of one. Believe it or not they both work very well together, at least from a content point of view.

I have a pretty extensive series of static pages I'm working on but once those are done I want to put my campaign on more of a maintenance mode.  Not exactly autopilot because I'm still going to be doing all the work, but setting up some sort of daily and weekly task list where I complete the tasks for the day, check them off my list, and move onto other things, like the rest of my life!

I also have a pretty good idea of how I will eventually set up my second online marketing campaign.  I'm one of those people who gets intensely and passionately interested in a topic and that interest can go on for months.  I can write very easily about topics I'm obsessed with.  Next time I take on a self-made massive education program, I'm going to leverage it by also running an IM campaign around it.  People paid a lot of money for my college education.  Now I'm looking forward to making my continuing education pay me :-)

Anyone reading this who has not participated in a WA article marketing club, do not hesitate, join the next one.  If they offer one in December, don't say you're too busy with Christmas stuff, just jump in and do it.  You will be so glad you did.

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cduane82 Premium
I totally agree with everything you just said in your post. I too thought I had a lil something going until I joined the article marketing club, but then I saw that my work was full of holes as well. I am glad to know now at least, how the process of article marketing works, I have articles that are at the top or on the first page of google after 2 weeks. I read in one of the forums (I think the $1000 challenge) where one guy was saying that for every highly ranked keyword, he writes at least 5 articles. I will start implementing this as well. All I need now is TIME, and oh boy, I can only imagine what will happen. I read your posts, I think you are on the right track. Just keep doing what you're doing, i'm sure you'll win in a short matter of time. AND if you need like a tag team partner, holla at me! Two heads are better than one.