Dilemma - Which WA Club Should I Choose?

Last Update: October 21, 2010

 Hello Fellow WA Members!

I have a dilemma that I'm looking for advice on to help solve it or at least make me look at it with a different view. 

As you can see in the subject line I'm trying to figure out which WA Club I should choose to try to get accepted into. My main concern with the WA Article writing club promoting WA with Marcus is the heavy competition; I keep reading to leave this one up to the "gurus"; there are already so many members here promoting and trying to promote WA that I should try something else. 

When I think about the WA Club with Kyle & Carson and promoting weight loss with article writing; I feel it is a pretty competitive market as well, but with this one I've already built a squidoo lens and submitted some articles to promote "strip the fat" so I feel I would have a very slight heads up with this club should I be accepted. 

I'm just not sure. Thanks!

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prinker Premium
Well, I went ahead and made my own executive decision and decided to join the WA Article Marketing Club. After reading all of the great stories on the forums and blogs about how it went the first time around I decided I'd give it a go; that is if I'm accepted; keep your fingers crossed for me. Thanks!