I Need Some Thoughts/Suggestions
Hello WA!
I need some help! I'm learning so much here and really enjoying myself. I've completed PotPieGirl's The Dam Way and am currently working through her One Week Marketing course; I've already implemented quite a bit; however I have not made a sale yet.
This is where the I need some help comes in; does anyone have any suggestions, thoughts, ideas on how I could start making some income now while I'm learning the ropes and getting my affiliate marketing going. It doesn't have to be boat loads of cash just something that would help out. I've received tons of emails lately on processing emails, but it all appears to be a scam.
I'm sure you understand my situation; like I mentioned earlier I want to continue on the learning express of affiliate marketing, but I also need for a little income to be coming in.
I welcome any suggestions. Thanks!
Obviously, you'd have to gain their trust. So, if you get decent traffic on your articles and lenses, use that. Also, you'd need to know how much is the life time value of one customer, how much a customer is worth to them.
Dear Dentist: Do you remember how you got me to come to your office and how much you paid for that campaign? And you've made $x. I can get you people like me. I can create a web marketing campaign that will get you tons of leads. Surely $2500 for one hundred leads out of which 1 will convert and stay with you 7 years, coming to your office 2-5 times a year is worth that $2,500 to you. Well, since you've been my dentist for 7 years, I'll give you that for $1750.
Something like that.
You have to do some homework, you have to be gutsy. And you have to work.
You could also create a site that's a directory of local businesses. Then you propose to them that for $50 they can have a 50 word ad on your site for one year.
You'll have a hard time with the first ones and you have to create the site first. And you'll have to convince them that you know how to promote the site.